
Daily Karma

There is a way to comprehend karma in a rather tangible way. It means the cycle of view - intention - action - experience - view - ... That is, one has a set of values and preferences that define what one wants or doesn't want, based on that one chooses to act one way or another. The consequences - closer and later in time - feel good or bad, agreeable or disagreeable, based on one's interpretation (view) and also giving a feedback on whether one's choice of action was a good or a bad idea and that way reinforcing or weakening one's original view. Then based on previous experience that is modified by one's understanding of that experience one makes new choices. That's in brief the cycle of samsara on a daily level. As long as one is governed by the fundamental wrong view of trying to ascertain, obtain, or maintain an agreeable state of existence, there is suffering. Seeing that this cycle is nothing more than a series of processes not controlled by anyone, that is recognising its empty nature, and that way relinquishing the recurring craving for the imagined agreeable state, thus obtaining peace and the cessation of the cycle.

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