
Mystical Empowerment, Special Transmission

Why the need for so much hot air and self praise? Entire litanies of the speciality of whatever transmission - normally an artificially concocted list of a mixture of famous and unknown names - just to say how unique and wonderful the current living heir is. Or there is the other end of the same approach, loads of critical and denigrating words about everyone else, although this is not a popular style nowadays - except maybe online where "my vehicle is superior to yours" - one just has to read some works of people like Nichiren and Dogen to see that.

But what is it that one can actually learn after listening to an hour of "we are the champions"? The same thing as always: all appearances are unstable, unsatisfactory, impersonal and insubstantial. Because that is the true nature of the world. There is nothing more to see, regardless if you have gone through years of koan training, dark retreats, dozens of empowerments, a five-year Dharma course, or whatnot.

Nobody owns that Dharma. And there are at least two reasons for that. First is that the Dharma is the truth, the reality. That is how things are, and nobody can do anything about that. Either one clarifies this Dharma for oneself or not. Others cannot do it for you. Second reason is that every descendant of Shakyamuni Buddha is the transmitter of the same insight into that nature of reality. Actually, every tradition upholds the very basics of the four noble truths (etc.) as the authentic and original doctrine of the Perfectly Awakened One. Words and styles vary, but practically it's the same thing everywhere: things are impermanent, don't attach.

Some may object that one needs a reliable teacher in order to be able to realise the Buddha's teachings. That is partially true. The reliable teacher everyone needs is Shakyamuni Buddha. That's the first refuge. Then there is the third refuge, the community. What makes the community a refuge? That it maintains the Buddha's Dharma. So, if a teacher - a community member - teaches in agreement with the Dharma, then it is an authentic teaching. What is the Dharma? It is what the Buddha taught. Not too complicated.

I can only rejoice that so many great teachings and teachers are accessible nowadays. It just requires internet connection. And I am happy for all sorts of traditions, as they all transmit the Buddhadharma in diverse forms and styles. There is hardly enough time even just to know about all the resources, not to mention in depth study. At the same time, the essentials of the path of liberation can be learnt in just a few sentences. Or even just one sentence.

vayadhammā saṅkhārā, appamādena sampādethā 
(All fabrications are subject to decay. Bring about completion by being heedful.)

(You should always single-mindedly and diligently seek the way out of all the moving and unmoving dharmas of the world, for they are all decaying, unfixed appearances.)

Dogen said about that last saying of the Buddha: "disciples of the Tathagata unfailingly learn this [instruction]. Those who do not practice and learn it, and who do not know it, are not the Buddha’s disciples. It is the Tathagata’s right Dharma-eye treasury and fine mind of nirvana." (Shobogenzo, vol 4, p 321, BDK Edition)


Rebirth and Liberation

Thoughts come and thoughts go. Is there anything that stays in your experience? Still, there is cause and effect. That is, patterns of thinking that make us do this and that. That is karma. Since the mind is not the body, nor is it made by the body, it does not begin with one's current birth, nor does it end with one's corporeal death. The motivation of becoming someone is the root cause of being born again and again. Learning not to grasp, and release one's habitual patterns is the way to be free from compulsive actions.